Mental Illness Disability Claims: Long Term Disability Benefits

Our LTD Lawyers can help with your long term disability mental illness benefits. If you are seeking an insurance claim, our disability lawyers are here.

Mental Illness Disability Claims Overview

There are many types of disabilities that may arise as a result from the workplace: depression, anxiety, stress-addiction, substance abuse, and many more. These may be the cause of a sudden injury or illness as a result of maintenance standards at the workplace, economic factors, or social problems you may face.
Benefits Packages are usually purchased by responsible employers from Insurance Companies such as Manulife, Great West Life, and Sun Life. These Insurance Companies have a duty to treat you with the healthcare and leave you deserve.
Your long term disability claim should put you in a situation that provides income due to your inability to return to the workplace.
Mental illnesses are a broad class of conditions that include behavioral and emotional disorders affecting the brain. These can be part of the following:

  • Cognitive Illnesses
  • Learning Disabilities
  • Substance Abuse Disorders

Regarding the law in Ontario, there is a practical guide to Mental Health and the Law in Ontario which lawyers may be familiar with. In Canada, we are fortunate to have a variety of administrative bureaus working on our behalf. Our Mental Health Act, sets a criteria for information regarding patients, sets a precedent for standards bodies and right-seeking activists, and is a pillar of resource for mental health rights.
We will acknowledge and represent your mental-illness disability in the most professional manner – attempting to return to work, or, in many cases, make a transition to a lifestyle that is more accomodating if there is no possibility in returning to current form of employment. Because it is so difficult to objectively explain or prove one’s mental illness, you will need a lawyer that will take a proactive role in developing your case such that it has objective merit. ur firm provides our clients with the best Toronto disability lawyer suited for their case, no matter where they are in Ontario.

Mental Illness Claim Experiences

In the case of mental illnesses, one may experience:

  • Erratic or uncontrollable behaviour
  • Varieties of emotions
  • Negatively affected cognitive functioning or communication skills

These are the most common traits relevant to mental illnesses that may be accounted-for in your claim. In some cases, the conditions may not be apparent at all times. A good disability claims lawyer or insurance claim lawyer will accomodate you with respect to these conditions. This includes rescheduling meetings at a time convenient for the client; when conditions are not as apparent.

Lawyer’s Accomodations

When a client is experiencing an episode, a lawyer should accomodate his or her client in the most professional way possible. These may be temporary, lengthy, intermittent, chronic, or permanent, depending on the severity of the condition.
Lawyers should take special measures in representing clients, consistent with their rules of professional conduct and stigma free. Lawyers should also ensure that the environment is ‘free from auditory and visual distractions’. In addition, clients may bring a trusted friend, relative, or guardian to speak on their behalf and to assist the lawyer in compiling information and making decisions about the case.


The Ontario Human Rights Commission has a policy on preventing discrimination based on mental health disabilities which should be taken into consideration when receiving services such as insurance. Many health-care providers will discriminate against the mentally ill based on a recent report. This shows the tendency of systems to discriminate – part of a reason why lawyers must work to act soon in order to shed light on the problems many are currently facing.
Mental health claims should be treated as any other medical claim. For some insurance companies, this is not the case. If you are experiencing discrimination resulting in a denied claim from a company such as Manulife, please read further.
If you have any questions or concerns about making a claim, or, have a mental illness disability claim, contact us today. If you or a loved one have been denied long term disability benefits either through a private insurance, or government agency, call us now. We are here to help.

Types of Mental Illnesses

Mental Health in the Workplace is a key factor in productivity, disability, medical costs, and pre/absenteeism. Disability claims are a large factor in the workplace. Insurance plans will usually:

  • Help get you back to health
  • Help you to work more effectively
  • Aid you in your transition if you are experiencing long term disability

These may arise as a result of:

  • Anxiety / Panic Disorders (ex. PTSD)
  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Depression
  • Eating Disorders
  • Schizophrenia
  • Substance Abuse / Addiction

Mental Illness Disability Lawyers

If you have any questions or concerns about making a claim, or, have a mental illness disability claim, contact us today. If you or a loved one have been denied long term disability benefits either through a private insurance, or government agency, call us now. We are here to help.
Long Term Disability Claims arise as a result of a lack of care by an employer, or, by improper workplace conditions. These may result in illnesses, or, sudden injuries. Your insurance policy should protect you from loss of income in the event that you are unable to work for an extended period of time. You may incur physical and financial loss while taking time to heal. The team at TSF Law will help you in to make a physical, mental, and financial recovery a smooth transition to a better quality of life.