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Post Category in LTD Resources

Brain Injury & Pituitary Injury

Brain injuries are diagnosed through imaging tests conducted by a radiologist, and reviewed by a physician. In most cases, an E.R Doctor is the first to identify a brain injury after trauma to the head. Often trauma to the head occurs during a motor-vehicle accident (MVA), a sports related injury, or due to a person … Read more

Head Injuries and Disability

According to statistics Canada, the likelihood of injuries increase in the summer months, accounting for 30% of the years total injury reports. One of the most common reasons that one may take long-term disability leave, dil a long-term disability claim, or receive long-term disability benefits, is for a concussion of brain injury. These type of … Read more

ATV Season

ATV riding season is in full gear and offers a lot of fun to those who are properly trained and drive responsibly. Unfortunately, due to being four-wheeled vehicles, many riders often assume that these vehicles are much safer than two wheeled motorbikes and motorcycles. Riders often forgo wearing the necessary safety equipment and have a … Read more

Bicycle Accidents

Since January, 2018, bicycles deaths have skyrocketed in Toronto. Road safety has been jeopardized by an influx of cars and reckless driving that has increased on our streets. Even the Mayor has taken note to the increase in cyclist deaths in the city, and road safety has been bumped up on the agenda for city … Read more