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Post Category in LTD Resources

Disability and Service Animals

Service animals are working animals, not pets. When someone employs and owns a service animal, they are equipped with a medical aid that is trained to provide support directly for their owner’s or patient’s specific disability. When someone has succumb to a major injury or illness that leaves them disabled and requiring the help of … Read more

Brain Injury & Pituitary Injury

Brain injuries are diagnosed through imaging tests conducted by a radiologist, and reviewed by a physician. In most cases, an E.R Doctor is the first to identify a brain injury after trauma to the head. Often trauma to the head occurs during a motor-vehicle accident (MVA), a sports related injury, or due to a person … Read more

Dog Attack Lawyers & Dog Bite Injuries

Dog attacks account for 90% of all animal bites reported; they happen far more often than owners and enthusiasts would like to acknowledge. Most dog attacks occur in parks or on the street where dogs are off leach, or on private property where the dog is roaming around freely. In some cases, the dogs may … Read more