Permanent Disability Attorney

A permanent disability attorney, a disability insurance lawyer and a long-term disability lawyer all practice under the same light, they are just using different titles. The most trustworthy title is a long-term disability lawyer, also known as an LTD disability lawyer. Whether you are applying for short-term coverage, long-term or permanent disability support, a LTD disability lawyer is your most trustworthy and knowledgeable asset. Their knowledge in long-term disability law allows them to offer the most in-depth insight of insurance laws, as well as the legal rights of their clients. Someone who is extensively practicing disability law, and advocates for complex cases, is the best you can aim for in ally to defend your claim.

When to Contact a Disability Insurance Lawyer?

If you have any doubt in your claim or the submission process; if you ever find yourself facing a denied claim, we highly suggest you contact a long-term disability lawyer. Your claim may have been unjustly declined, and possibly due to illegal/unsound evidence. Many people who have sought permanent disability attorneys are those who have had their claim denied because of:

Bad Faith

Some insurance companies just flat out deny or delay your claim because 1.) they have been urged to except as few claims as possible, in the interest of the company 2.) they hope that a policy holder would accept their first review and not pursue to collect the monies they are entitled to. This is unfair and is called acting in bad faith. Bad faith is often reflected in the amount of time it takes for a claim to be assessed, requests for unnecessary or duplicative information, or even go to lengths as denial for the full disability benefits as stated in the long-term disability policy. This situation can be increasingly overwhelming for those who are already under a considerable amount of stress. If you find yourself in this situation, contact a long-term disability attorney immediately.

Unfair Evidence Collection

Some insurance companies will conduct surveillance on those who apply for their policy benefits. Private Investigators (PI) are hired to follow a claimant and video them carrying out visual “evidence” to prove that the claimant is lying about their current physical or emotional state. These PIs, for instance, will videotape you going up a flight of stairs in a public space, but won’t videotape the long rest you needed to take after that physical exertion. Their aim in surveillance is to skew your image and show evidence that will only damage a disability claim.

Are you a Veteran?

If you are one of the many veterans seeking permanent disability pension after sustaining an injury in service, unfortunately the current government will not initiate the Lifelong Disability Pension until a projected date of April, 2019 (already a year later than initially promised). This plan will be considered a “pension-for-life” plan, which allows those with service-related injury or illness to govern the best form of financial and social support that suits them and their families.

Now What? Long Term Disability Lawyer Advice

While this change is long overdue, some veterans are frustrated with the fact that the new plan offers an increase for the most disabled, and a decrease in ongoing financial support for those who are on the other side of the spectrum. The new charter has been scrutinized for offering less money than the old pension system, though the government is adding in “new pension schemes [which] offers more flexibility and assistance through rehab and career training”.

The aim is to support better adjustment back to civilian life and the hope that a veteran can carry out their role as a normal citizen in their community.

Unfortunately though, many veterans are unable to work or manage the stress to overcome their illness or injury. Many veterans are left confused and at times unaware of the financial support they could be getting in the interim, before the government initiates their 2019 plans. Countless sources report a backlog of disability claims from the Veterans and Canadian Armed Forces members who are suffering from service-related illness or injury. It is important to TSF Law that no one is left falling into the cracks of financial and social/emotional despair.

You Want the Best

You’ll exhaust yourself trying to find a creditable list of disability lawyers in Toronto (the metropolitan centre of Ontario), or the #1 disability lawyer near you; the answer is TSF Law. Our knowledge is extensive and we proudly represent citizens all over Ontario. We make an effort to have a personal connection with our client; initiating face to face contact is important to us. If you cannot travel to our offices, we will travel to you. If you are afraid of judgment, know that our office and staff is free of discrimination and provides legal aid to all, without prejudice. It is important to have a trustworthy and uplifting alliance with your legal advisor; TSF lawyers is always there for you.