Aviva Insurance: Stopped Long Term Disability Payments

If you are an Aviva insurance policy holder and have submitted a short-term or long-term disability claim, you may be startled that your claim has been denied, or that your policy benefits have been suspended or stopped completely.

Aviva was found, in the case of GP vs AVIVA via the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada, to not comply with the requirements of a proper and fully valid notice that an insurer must provide to an applicant when refusing to pay for their policy benefits. Without a full disclosure as to why a disability claim has been denied, Aviva does not have the right to subject a claim to any limitation period, including long-term disability payments.

But they put up a fight, and ultimately won due to errors by the board. Unfortunately, this is where things become exasperating, for anyone who has short-term or long-term disability insurance hopes that if they need the socio-economic support in a time of crisis, it will be there. No one expects their safety net to move from underneath their fall.

Long-Term Disability Payments

Aviva insurance group offers several different types of disability benefits, but does have a reputation for being less reasonable when it comes to allowing their policy holders to access their benefits, especially if your injuries are not visibly catastrophic.

Aviva’s long term disability insurance is offered through their group benefits plan and is provided to employees who may need long-term disability benefits, including mental health disability benefits in Ontario.

Is Aviva a Good Insurance Company?

In 2015, Aviva had a red flag raised for their program where certain short-term disability claims, long-term disability payments, as well as mental-health disability benefits were being denied in Ontario. Aviva declared that certain claims were considered “defendable” on the issue of the “threshold”.

What this means is that if a victim of an automobile accident could not prove, with tangible evidence, that they have suffered “permanent, serious impairment, to an important physical, mental or psychological function”, their claim would be denied and they would not have access to their disability benefits, nor be able to seek damages for pain and suffering.

Aviva Long Term Disability Claims

This program was created as a way to scare off any of Aviva’s long term disability claims that were not open-shut cases (ex. having injuries visible through medical imaging such as an X-Rays or MRI, vs. soft tissue injuries like sprains, or nerve damage). Those who were most effected by this program were victims in car accidents, where soft tissue injuries are easily obtained. Unfortunately this meant that many people who filed Aviva disability claims, both short-term disability and long-term disability, were responded with a closed door.

Aviva Long Term Disability Insurance

If you are a policy holder and have submitted an Aviva insurance claim, you must be cautious and know that they have a reputation for being very black and white about what they deem as a “disability”. Unfortunately for them, this does not mean that they are correct, for many claims can be argued in the court of law as being legitimate under what Canada and a proper medical team deems as a true disability. An Aviva “No” does not mean “No”, but make sure you read the fine print and understand the ins and outs of your Aviva insurance policy.

What You Should Do

Every insurance company has policies that can work for a plethora of individuals. It ultimately is up to you and your insurance broker, to find out what plan is best suited for your potential needs of security. With the information provided in this article, we hope that you realize how important it is to understand Aviva Insurance’s policies and “programs” that may affect you when submitting an Aviva insurance claim.

Aviva Denied My Long Term Disability Claims

If your long-term disability claim has been denied, whether be for a physical disability, or a mental health disability in Ontario, we highly suggest you contact a long term disability attorney. Just because they said no, and have created “programs” that stand as boulders in front of their policy holders, this does not mean they are correct. You may be entitled to your full policy benefits!

Contact a Lawyer Today

TSF Law is knowledgeable about Aviva’s insurance policies, as well as the legal rights you have as a policy holder. If you have any doubt regarding a submitted claim, or have found that your long-term disability benefits have been stopped, contact a long term disability lawyer now. Do not feel intimidated or undergo further emotional and/or physical stress. A long term disability attorney is your best choice for contesting a denied Aviva insurance disability claim; TSF lawyers is standing up to the plate to be your legal asset in obtaining what you legally have a right to.