TSF Law’ blog is your #1 online contact for Manulife Insurance claim information. Here you will find answers to common queries regarding Manulife short terms disability and long term disability claims. If you have any questions about a denied Manulife claim, be sure to contact TSF Law; we are a well versed legal team that is here to guide you through appealing a denied Manulife claim. We have successfully sued Manulife insurance and negotiated significant settlements for our clients across Ontario, for both denied short-term disability claims and long-term disability claims. Since we work on a contingency fee basis, it is no loss to our clients when obtaining us as legal representation when appealing a denied Manulife claim.
What To Do When Disability Is Denied?
The first thing to do is to maintain that your claim is worthy of approval, and prepare yourself to speak to a long-term disability attorney. If your disability claim has been denied due to an administrative or clerical error, such as an incorrect filing, or a mistake on your part with filling out the application, this error can be quickly assessed and your claim may be processed and approved by the insurance company. If your disability claim has been wrongfully denied due to bad faith, and rejection of blatant supporting medical records, then it is time to appeal your disability denial with the help of a long-term disability attorney.
What to do before contacting a long-term disability lawyer:
- Read your Manulife insurance benefit booklet and be certain that your policy covers the disability claim that you seek, but has been denied. If you do not have an insurance benefit booklet, contact your group insurance account manager at work, or contact your Manulife Insurance area agent. Be sure to find out and know your Manulife contact; if you don’t, click here for more information.
..*When you talk with any Manulife contact, be sure to write down their name, their employee #/ID, and a possible call ID #. This information may be very important as a legal asset, later on in your appeal process. - Make sure you have a full understanding of why your Manulife disability claim has been denied. If you have any questions or concerns about your Manulife claim, correspond with your Manulife contact. If you do not know who that is, read Step 1 of this list.
- Make sure you have all the sufficient medical records, including medical imaging, laboratory results, diagnostics etc at hand. The more evidence you have to support your claim, the better.
Once you have followed the following three steps, it is now time to contact a long-term disability attorney. If you are struggling with Manulife claim problems, of any sort, do not hesitate to contact TSF Law. Our team has an in-depth knowledge in insurance law and your legal rights; we are equipped to take on any Manulife claim problem you may have. It is important to be truthful and thorough in backing up the truth during your claim application and appeal process. You no longer have to worry about what to do when your disability is denied. Contact us today.
Manulife Long Term Disability (LTD) Investigation:
Insurance companies conduct investigations often with long term disability claims that they feel are not true in presentation. In order to supply evidence in support of their view, Manulife insurance hires a Private Investigator to follow and videotape/log your activity, most often in a bias light that supports their denial of your claim. Hiring a private investigator to follow you is not illegal.
The reason why Manulife carries our long term disability investigations is that it ensures, them, that there are no fraudulent claims being processed, and nothing within your claim is misrepresenting the truth. This is why it is very important for you to be honest when filling your claim and speaking with your doctors. You need to disclose the truth to your insurance company and lawyer; if you are found misrepresenting the truth and filing a fraudulent claim, you can be met with major repercussions.
However, if you feel that the investigative companies, that the your insurance provider has hired, are stepping over personal boundaries, found trespassing, are caught invading your privacy, or doing anything that is against the law, contact the police and seek a free consultation with a long-term disability lawyer immediately. If you have submitted a truthful and dignified claim to Manulife insurance, and they are carrying out a LTD investigation that is imposing negatively on your life, contact a disability attorney immediately.
No one should be subject to further mental and physical stress while trying to manage their health and wellness. Even when an investigation brings evidence to light, this evidence can be collected and altered to shed a bias view on the case. Do not be intimidated or despair if you are being investigated by Manulife for long-term disability; contact a long-term disability lawyer and feel reassured that you have a strong case that should have zero instilled doubt.
Manulife LTD Appeal Process:
If your Manulife LTD claim has been denied, do not give up. A lot of insurance holders who receive their Manulife benefits through their employer, have to go through some level of appeal before their claims are processed and they begin receiving the benefits they are, and were always, entitled to. While this seems like a tiring and somewhat irrational way of obtaining the coverage that your have legal rights to, this is a tactic used by insurance companies to avoid paying out to their clients.
Before you pursue a Manulife long-term disability claim, through their mandated appeal process, be sure to review your policy and understand fully why your claim has been denied. When speaking with any representative of Manulife Insurance, be sure to record all the call information (name, call # ID, etc.). Insurance companies manipulate client ignorance with the filing process and often use the lack of legal understandings, from the clients point of view, as a tool to make one submit and accept a denied claim.
By contacting a long-term disability lawyer before initiating a Manulife appeal process for a LTD claim, you will no longer have to deal with your insurance company.
Our legal team will be your voice of reason, confidence and pursuit to obtaining your full benefits, and possibly damages for the further stress a denied claim has deemed on you. Hiring a Manulife LTD Appeal lawyer at TSF Law, you will improve your chances of success with zero financial loss to you.
Manulife: Short Term Disability Denied Claim
Short term Manulife disability provides temporary income support if you are unable to work due to a medical illness or injury. This policy typically covers income replacement for the first 120 days after the claim is processed (approximately 4 months). The waiting period to access your group benefits, under a plan supplied by your employer, usually commences within 5 days of submitting your claim.
If you do not have short term disability benefits through your employer, you may be qualified to apply to Employment Insurance (EI), or Sickness Benefits through the Government of Canada. These federal programs can provide up to 15 weeks (3.5 months) of employment coverage.
When any Manulife Insurance claim has been denied, you will receive a denial letter which will identify why you claim has been denied and how you can appeal your denied Manulife claim. If you do not receive this information in the letter of denial, call up your insurance company immediately (it is illegal for them not to provide this information). If you find that the information you provided is sufficient in supporting your claim, that you have acted in good faith and have submitted a truthful claim, contact a long-term disability lawyer.
Do not go onto EI immediately after receiving a denied short-term disability claim from Manulife. Most insurance companies deny claims in hopes that you will not pursue receiving the benefits you are entitled to. Brushing you off is the easiest thing they can do to not pay the coverage you need, most insurance policy holders will accept the initial decision as their ultimate faith, and either despair or seek socio-economic help elsewhere. This is just extended mental and physical stress that is unnecessary, especially when you are promised insurance in times of need. Do not settle on a denied claim, speak to a disability lawyer today.
Denied Short Term Disability: Fertility
Do not settle and go strait to EI if you are seeking short term disability benefits for fertility purposes. If your doctor has suggested bed rest, or that you abstain from your employment duties, then you are not obliged to continue working for your employer; you have legitimate health and safety concerns that can be backed up with supporting medical documentation. You do not need to dip into your unemployment insurance (EI) during a time of mandated rest and halt to all work duties, while dealing with fertility issues, as directed by a medical physician.
If you are being threatened by your employer that you will loose your job, or if your short-term or long-term disability claim has been denied for any Manulife insurance claim pertaining to fertility, contact TSF Law immediately. We know your legal rights and will seek the full policy benefits that you are entitled to, as well as damages for the mental and physical stress a denied Manulife claim has had on you, your baby, and your family. A denied claim can cause overwhelming exhaustion, anxiety, depression and all the symptoms that accompany such.This is not something we want anyone who has a denied fertility short term disability claim, or a long term disability claim that has been denied due to fertility complications, to go through.
If you are struggling with the difficulties of transportation during this time, do not worry. TSF Law offers free consultations over the phone, through online Video chat platforms, and even can come to a place of your choosing, where you feel comfortable to meet and talk about your denied Manulife claim.
Denied Short Term Disability Coverage
If your short term disability claim has been denied in Ontario, contact TSF Law. It is pivotal you have a well versed long-term disability lawyer review your claim and explain your legal rights to your full policy benefits, as well as possibly seek further damages. Talking to a long-term disability lawyer is an incredible asset in gaining confidence in appealing any type of denied Manulife claim.
Manulife Contact Info
If you are looking for a Manulife Contact (phone, fax or email) the following resources can be found online:
(Manulife Contact Support Numbers)[https://www.manulife.ca/support/contact-us/contact-numbers.html]
(Manulife Contact Us Page)[https://www.manulife.ca/for-you/contact-us.html]
(Manulife Phone Numbers Directory)[https://www.manulife.ca/for-you/contact-us/phone-numbers-directory.html]
(Manulife Corporate Contact Directory)[http://www.manulife.com/Contact%3FocmsLang%3Den_US#module-5=0]
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