Short-term disability benefits are claimed when an employee or individual has either been in an accident, or is dealing with a prolonged illness that requires an extended period of time for proper healing and health management.
When Short-term disability claims are submitted, usually accompanies with the following:
- A physician’s statement is needed to accompany any claim for medical leave or need for the prolonged absence. This would need to include the reason for and length of absence.
- An employee statement, explaining why they are no longer able to carry out the duties of their occupation.
- A statement from the employer, providing their own testimony outlining:
- Job description outline
- Occupational duties of the claimant
- What current duties the employee is performing.
Typically short term disability lasts to a maximum of 17-26 weeks. Like with all claims, accessibility to the needed benefits are granted depending on the specific insurer or government agency, as well as the provided documentation to support the submitted claim.
For instance, a “quick” short term disability claim will be recognized and processed more rapidly in the event of an accident, where you can access benefits right away. In other cases, if you or a loved one fall ill and need hospitalization, you insurance company will allow for payment of first day hospitalization, prescriptions or medical equipment needs.
It is important to remember that someone with a disability, according the ODSP Act is a person with a substantial physical or mental impairment.
Expecting mothers should also know that they are entitled to short term disability benefits if:
- They are experiencing any form of complications from the pregnancy during any point in the pregnancy
- Are considered a high-risk pregnancy
- They are put on early-bed rest
- Endure delivery complications
- Suffering from postpartum complications
It is important to recognize and understand that life has its ups and downs. There are various and unassuming triggers that can lead to mental anguish, such as a death in the family, or substance abuse.
Any of the aforementioned reasons are proper grounds for applying to short-term disability.
Short Term Disability vs. EI (Canadian Employment Insurance)
Some employee are not offered benefits with their employment contract. If you or a loved one have not been offered insurance benefits, you can claim Canadian Employment Insurance (EI), in the event of a sudden accident or illness. The wait time for these benefits can be longer, with claimants often seen benefits come through approximately 7-14 days after the filing of a claim.
For Long Term Disability options, without insurance benefits, you may file for support through ODSP as well as accessing any paid CPP. For more information , please click here.
It is important to note that short-term disability benefits, like any insurance claim, require thorough and time-sensitive filing. Therefore, we believe it is important to rely on the experience of a personal injury lawyer who can help “streamline” the entire insurance / EI filing, help interject during any point of the appeal process, and make your primary focus on healing and living stress free. .
If your employer has offered short-term disability as part of their benefits package, if you are seeking ODSP, CPP or EI support for short term disability, please do not hesitate to contact TSF Law.
Our experienced team understands the claim filing process, appeal process and the importance and need to alleviate any further stress or suffering during your time of healing. We are here to help – contact us today.