Attendant Care (“AC”) is available to you if you’ve sustained an impairment due to a car accident that renders you substantially unable to care for yourself as you did before the accident. This includes, but is not limited to, a substantial inability to complete personal hygienic tasks, dressing, feeding, or grooming.
The Attendant Care benefit is not available to those who have sustained a minor injury. It is only available to you if you’ve sustained a non-minor or catastrophic injury. The amount of attendant care an injured person is entitled to is included in their med-rehab limits.
This means that if you’ve sustained a non-minor injury, the $65,000.00 allotted for treatment (see Statutory Accident Benefits: Medical & Rehabilitation Benefits post) includes both med-rehab treatment and AC services. There are further caps on AC, such as a $3,000 a monthly limit and a maximum of $36,000 for up to two years after a car accident.
For the catastrophically injured, the $1,000,000.00 includes both med-rehab treatment and AC services. The maximum attendant care allowance per month for the catastrophically injured is $6,000.00 and there is no stoppage date.