What to do at the Scene of an Accident

The first 24 Hours following a Motor Vehicle Accident (MVA) is the most important time to gather and document for any Personal Injury Claim. No matter what province you are in, it is important to follow these:

“5 Things To Do Immediately After Encountering an Auto Accident (Car, Truck, Bus, Motorcycle, etc.)”

  1. SAFETY: ensure that you and anyone else involved in the crash is safe. Stay calm and alert.
    Call 911/EMS Immediately if anyone is injured
    Only get out of your vehicle if the scene is clear of all traffic/ hazardous obstructions
    DO NOT threaten your safety or the safety of others by leaving the scene of the accident.
    It is recommended that you put your hazard lights (four-way flashers) on to signal to other drivers of obstruction
  2. CALL THE POLICE: Depending on how serious the accident is, the police may not respond immediately or show to the scene of the accident. This is dependent on things such as severity of injuries and property damage.
    Reporting the incident will create a police report number with a designated reporting officer. Be sure to have copies of any formal reports filled out
    it is important that within the first 24 hrs you notify the Police Collision reporting center, if the combined damage is more than $1,000.
  3. GATHER INFORMATION: Any and all information is important and pivotal to the different stages in your personal injury claim. It is important to obtain as much information as possible and keep written documentation of:
    1. The other driver’s/drivers’ information:
      1.  Name, address, date of birth, telephone number
      1. Their driver’s license #, expiration date
      2. Insurance company name, and insurance card # if possible
      3. Car’s make, year, model, license plate #, expiration date, any license tags
      4. Car’s vehicle identification number (VIN)
        *If the driver is NOT the owner of the vehicle involved, you will need to get the owner’s name, address, telephone number, insurance company and the driver’s relation, if possible, to the owner of the vehicle.

      5. **The other vehicle’s passengers:
        **Name, addresses, and telephone numbers of any other passengers involved

    2. **Witnesses to the scene of the accident:
      **Name, address, and telephone number of any witness of the accident.If witnesses are unwilling to stay, ask them calmly if they would be willing to describe what they saw. It is important to write down any information they are willing to share.
    3. Any other vehicles are the scene of the accident, NOT involved in the accident.
      If there is someone at the scene, unwilling to provide their personal information, write down their license plate number. If a statement is needed from them, the police can trace the owner of the vehicle’s name and address for future resource for your case.
    4. Diagram: Try your hardest to draw/ write down a simple diagram of the accident scene. Take note of things such as: skid marks, road/ sidewalk damage, any obstructions etc.Take note of any observable conditions, such as traffic, weather, time of day, visibility on the road, the presence of street lights and traffic lights, signage etc.
    5. Estimate and Document: Try and estimate the possible speeds each vehicle involved in the crash were traveling at- try and note the exact location of the accident being mindful of place and time.
    6. **Know Your Rights:
      **It is important that you tow your vehicle if it is obstructing the roadway and unsafe to drive.
      It is your right to choose where your vehicle is towed and or/repaired. This is the Law in Ontario.
      Contact your local Collision Centre, your car’s Insurance Company and any further preferred assistance in removing your vehicle from the road and to a garage for repair.
  4. **DO NOT SIGN **any papers presented to you unless by the Police. You may be presented with documents by any and all parties. DO NOT SIGN ANYTHING. Keep the gathered information concise and protected.

  5. CONTACT A PERSONAL INJURY LAWYER immediately and provide all gathered information.

Stay Alert , Stay Calm and Keep Control.
Contact Us for more information.