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Post Category in LTD Resources

Long Term Disability Lawyers: Denied Long-Term Disability Claim

Security of Long Term Disability Insurance If you are paying premiums for disability insurance (short-term disability insurance or long-term disability insurance), or are receiving disability benefits through your terms of employment, you have access to a financial safety net that is there to help you if you incur a sudden illness or injury. Long-term disability … Read more

Identifying Depression and Screening for Workplace Injuries

Depression is the single-most disabling health disorder in all of Canada, impacting employees across the nation everyday. It is important that you are properly supported in the workplace when dealing with depression, a mental health disability that is often less accommodated than physical disabilities. If you are being mistreated as a result of a mental … Read more

Medical Insurance: A Lawyer Can Help

Many Canadians file insurance claims with their medical insurance (whether be through group benefits or personal health insurance) in order to be financially covered for specific medical needs. Such needs include treatment from specialized practitioners and doctors (physiotherapists, dentists etc.), medical devices (custom braces, orthotics, etc.), prescription drugs, and coverage for when one leaves the … Read more

Mining Injury & Mining Accidents: 101

The mining sector has many vulnerabilities to workplace injury and accidents. Mining injuries can lead to short-term disability and long-term disability, including wrongful death. It is important to seek legal advice if you or a loved one have a mining injury, are a victim of a mining accident, or are dealing with a mining insurance … Read more

Workplace Violence & Harassment: Laws & Governing Legislature

It is always important have access to a working conditions free of workplace violence, workplace harassment and bullying – things that pose a danger to one’s physical health and mental health. Knowing who your health and safety coordinator is, your human resource representative, as well as reviewing your workplace violence prevention policy can help foster … Read more

Workplace Violence: Warning Signs & Risk Factors

Workplace violence and harassment is far more prevalent in certain fields such as correction and public health care. That being said, workplace violence and workplace harassment can appear in any work environment. To find out what is workplace violence, read our introductory article,here. It is up to the employer and those managing the workplace to … Read more

Ontario Injury Data 2018

According to The Cost of Injury in Canada (2015), injuries have posed a $8.8 billion dollar cost to the province. The data displayed here outlines unintentional injuries which have been deemed as being preventable, as per the Ontario Injury Prevention Resource Center and the review of their report’s results for the 2014 and 2016 fiscal … Read more

Workplace Violence & Harassment: An Introduction

While some forms of employment have reoccurring and expected encounters with violence and harassment from patrons and citizens, such as the police force and emergency health care centers, no employee in Canada should ever be subject to workplace violence and harassment that is fostered by their employer, manager or fellow employees. It is the duty … Read more