There are many physical and mental conditions that qualify you as a disabled. Most of the time, it is much easier to apply for a claim if the condition is common and clearly supported by medical evidence. However, there are times when you get your disability claim denied and the insurance company can have a long list of possible reasons they can put in the notification letter. During such cases, the most efficient way to try to claim your benefits is to seek help from long term disability lawyers (Toronto).
Common Questions About Hiring A Lawyer
Types of Cases Represented
Lawyers do not accommodate everyone who come to them for help. Most of the time, they ask several questions to the client to find out some specifics and then consider if they want to manage the case or not. The best way to get a good lawyer’s attention is to be as accurate as possible with your case. You have to clearly explain the situation and then bring along some documents if you are having a meeting. You will know if he is interested if he asks more probing questions afterwards.
Cost of Hiring a Lawyer
Most work on a contingency payment plan. It usually involves a percentage of the proceeds you are about to receive after winning a case. You decide the number upon signing a legal contract with a disability claim lawyer. It is best that you pay attention to other payable descriptions since some also charge for other expenses like document preparations, postage and transportation.
Regular Meeting Attendance
Some Toronto disability lawyers prefer to have as minimal meetings as needed. Most conversations will take place on the phone. If you prefer personal meet-ups, let the attorney know in advance. Also, there will be times when you need to provide information and documents. However, this does not mean you will be meeting the lawyer each time. Expect to meet an assistant for minor hand-offs and interviews.
What does a lawyer do when hired?
Typical duties of a disability lawyer Toronto include conducting interviews with clients and witnesses, submitting documents to court, preparing case documents, presenting the case in court, defending the case, and many others. All processes needed in order to win your case will be taken-cared of your legal representative.
How Lawyers Handle Clients with Disabilities
One of the most controversial topics about disability cases is the increasing records of sexual abuse among disabled people. This has been a widespread problem due to the person’s inability to communicate events properly to police officers and investigators.
The best solution for disability insurance lawyers Toronto to work with disabled clients is to get an intermediary. These people are trained professionals that are good at understanding signals or symbols given out by the client.
In the case of a man from Toronto with cerebral palsy, a speech-language pathologist was hired in order to assist with communication. He wanted to tell the police that he was sexually abused by one of his home care workers. During one meeting when he was told the care worker was visiting, all he was able to do was look at his groin. The pathologist used a series of images of body parts in order to effectively communicate that the man was indeed abused by his caregiver.
A woman with cerebral palsy has also recently entered into a civil trial using an intermediary. The communication involved pointing to letters and phrases on a board. This was a very helpful resource since not all clients outwardly express their need for someone to help with communication.
The importance of an intermediary has been recognized also by an autistic woman record in court documents as MGW. The woman was 30 years old but only had the verbal ability of a 5-year old. She was sexually assaulted by a caregiver at the home where she was placed. The trial became complicated because the alleged assailant denied claims.
A Toronto disability insurance lawyer should be proactive about hiring intermediaries whenever the client has speech problems. It will beneficially help in appealing a disability claim. If you are having issues with a denied disability claim, feel confident about getting a lawyer and make sure that you tell them any special need you have. Good communication between a lawyer and a client fosters highly productive meetings.
At present, Communications Disabilities Access Canada has a list of over 250 intermediaries that can be hired for such types of cases. The Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General has expressed that they use this facility in order to deal with cases that involved disabled victims and witnesses. Disability insurance lawyers (Toronto) also use the same program. The program started with the help of the Department of Justice funding from 2012 to 2015. Now, it is completely independent and free from any type of government funding.