How to Claim Successfully for Long Term Disability

Paying insurance premiums regularly is not an easy feat when you are well aware of how much it sets you back a month. However, insuring the welfare of the family is important that is why getting long term disability Ontario is necessary. A long term disability Manulife coverage allows you to claim financial compensation when you incur any of the conditions they approve. The money will cover all your medications, medical procedures and all other expenses you need to maintain the life you’ve had before you got the illness. As long as you comply with their conditions, you can rest assured you will continue to accept premiums until you recover or rest for good.
There are some cases wherein the insurance company does not approve a claim application immediately. There are a plethora of reasons for this, but they will always provide you with a denial letter detailing the cause of denial. If you find the reason unacceptable, that is when you call a long term disability attorney.

How to Go On Long Term Disability

There are several things you need to take note of.

  1. Do not resign from your company immediately after getting the injury or condition. Most policies are provided by the company, so resigning will be taking the liability of their back. You need to stick around and settle your insurance policy first.
  2. Immediately after confirming that you won’t be able to go to work due to your condition, gather all available medical documents and let your company and insurance provider know. Ask for additional steps to follow in order for you to get your long term disability claims.
  3. Make sure that you know very well the contents of your insurance policy before doing any rash decisions. Each company has their own long term disability qualifications. What you need to do is make sure that you fit within this criteria very well that the insurance provider cannot find fault in your application.

When Long Term Disability Is Denied from Insurance Company

If a denial letter finds its way into your mailbox, make sure to read it well. Immediately after making sure you understand what their reasons are, decide whether you can accept this or not. If not, seek legal counsel immediately and get a second interpretation of the letter. Most initial consultations are free, so rest assured you won’t be paying anything immediately.
A long term disability attorney in Ontario will be able to help you through determining what steps to take to get your claim. Some illnesses can prove to be difficult to prove, such as those for long term disability mental illness Canada. This is due to the difficulty of finding concrete proof of the condition except for testimonies from psychologists and other mental health specialists. If you have a condition that can be easily proven by x-rays and blood tests, the better.

Tips to Ensure Application Approval

  • Make sure the submission is complete with documents. You can get a list easily from your insurance provider. Make a checklist for each one until you are sure that you have placed everything inside the submission envelope. This will hasten the processing since the officer won’t need to call you for additional documents. This also puts you in a good light.
  • Put as much evidence as you can. Since the insurance is of medical origin, you need to provide valid medical documents to prove the severity of your case. This can be in the form of doctor’s diagnosis, blood tests with interpretations, and other expert testimonies. This will be the best card you have in your application.
  • Make sure that all the forms are completely and accurately filled-up. If you are unsure what to put, check through your other documents for reference. If it is a personal detail, you will find it in one of your personal files. If it’s about your condition, be as clear and descriptive like the doctor’s diagnosis. Make sure all your documents match with each other.
  • Lastly, educate yourself with the deadlines and processing times. Once the first period of processing passes, proactively contact your insurance company for an update. This will give them an idea that you are actively checking out the progress of your application. This will also prove that you are serious about the claim. Politely ask for any updates and ask if there’s anything you can do in order to make the processing smoother. The more you get to their good side, the less they are inclined to trash your application.

Should I get long term disability?

Definitely. You never know what can happen in the next couple of years. Whether it is a personal accident or a work accident, insurance helps financially to cover the costs. From the word itself, it gives you assurance of the future. This is most important if you have a mortgage to pay for many years to come. Once you fall ill, you won’t need to worry about where to find money to continue paying your bills. Your insurance company will cover that for you until you are able to work and earn again.